A proper Ruby-Installation is needed. The software can then installed in your Home-directory and/or as gem.

Setup the Ruby Language

The ruby language is not a Mainstream-Computer-Language. It may be installed on your system, but is then most probably present in a not suitable version. Refer to the official documentation.

We recommend to use rvm to install ruby in user-space. Please follow the install notes and install the most recent ruby version.

 $ \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable 
 $ rvm install 3.3

On Debian/Ubuntu-systems rvm can be installed directly via apt: GitHup-Project-Page with instructions.

Next Bundle has to be installed. Its a gem, which is available through

 $ gem install bundler

Local Installation

In order become acquainted with the software, you can install the IB-Ruby-Gems in your workspace-directory and peek into the code.

 $ mkdir ~/workspace && cd ~/workspace
 $ git clone https://github.com/ib-ruby/ib-api.git
 $ cd ib-api    
 $ bundle install
 $ bundle update 

Assuming a running TWS is present, everything is in place to discover all features in the console

… in your scripts

To integrate IB-API features in your scripts, include gem 'ib-api into the Gemfile and require 'ib-api' in front of your code.

Details: Create a new Project

(Last update: Jul 2, 2024)