IB-API provides a Ruby-Gem ready for use in ruby projects.

Setup a new project

 $ mkdir ~/workspace/trading_project && cd ~/workspace/trading_project
 $ git init                                 # Version Control
 $ cp ../ib-api/.gitignore .                # use the same directives than ib-api
 $ bundle init                              # create Gemfile

Edit the Gemfile and add the following

 $ vi Gemfile

 gem "ib-api"

and finally

 $ bundle install

Now, every script using

  require 'bundler/setup'
  require 'ib-api'

can access the services of IB-Ruby.


The IB-Examples repository contains a variety of sample scripts.

A local Console

Copy the /bin-directory of ib-api to your project-directory and modify the console-script to your needs. Details: Interactive Console

(Last update: Jul 2, 2024)