The following pages and posts are tagged with

Setup Ruby and Install the Software Page In most cases, first a proper Ruby-Installation is needed. The software can then installed in your _home_-directory and/or as gem.
Create a new Project Page IB-API provides a Ruby-Gem ready for use in ruby projects. Setup a new project $ mkdir ~/workspace/trading_project && cd ~/workspace/trading_project $ git init # Version Control $ cp ../ib-api/.gitignore . # use the same directives than ib-api $ bundle init # create Gemfile ...
Setup Ruby and Install the Software Page A proper Ruby-Installation is needed. The software can then installed in your Home-directory and/or as gem.
About the IB-Ruby Project Page Introduction form Paul Legato, the founder of this project: This is a pure Ruby implementation of Interactive Brokers API. It is NOT a wrapper for a Java or C++ API, but rather uses socket API directly. So it does not have any dependencies other than TWS/Gateway itself. Why...
Install ib-ruby on Mac Page Installation of ib-ruby on Mac is usually less problematic than on Windows. However, you may run into permissions issues with Ruby that you must overcome. Yo...
Release notes ib-api 972 Page Version 6.0 of the Documentation theme for Jekyll, released July 4, 2016, implements relative links so you can view the files offline or on any server withou...
Release notes ib-symbols Version 1.0 Page Version 6.0 of the Documentation theme for Jekyll, released July 4, 2016, implements relative links so you can view the files offline or on any server withou...
Support Page Contact me for any support issues.
The IB-Ruby Project Page This is a collection of programs regarding the Interactive Brokers API. IB-Ruby aims to provide a ready-to-go solution for everyday aspects of serious trading of stocks and derivates through Interactive Brokers. Additional tools are covered in this documentation as well as...
About the theme's author Page I have used this theme for projects that I've worked on as a professional technical writer.
About Ruby, Gems, Bundler, and other prerequisites Page Ruby is a programming language you must have on your computer in order to build Jekyll locally. Ruby has various gems (or plugins) that provide various funct...
Install Jekyll on Mac Page Installation of Jekyll on Mac is usually less problematic than on Windows. However, you may run into permissions issues with Ruby that you must overcome. You...
Pages Page This theme primarily uses pages. You need to make sure your pages have the appropriate frontmatter. One frontmatter tag your users might find helpful is the ...
Posts Page You can use posts when you want to create blogs or news type of content.
Release notes 5.0 Page Version 5.0 of the Documentation theme for Jekyll changes some fundamental ways the theme works to provide product-specific sidebars, intended to accommodate...
Release notes 6.0 Page Version 6.0 of the Documentation theme for Jekyll, released July 4, 2016, implements relative links so you can view the files offline or on any server withou...
Sidebar Navigation Page The sidebar navigation uses a jQuery component called Navgoco. The sidebar is a somewhat complex part of the theme that remembers your current page, highligh...
Support Page Contact me for any support issues.
Supported features Page If you're not sure whether Jekyll and this theme will support your requirements, this list provides a semi-comprehensive overview of available features.
Sample post Post This is some summary frontmatter for my sample post.