Introduction form Paul Legato, the founder of this project:

This is a pure Ruby implementation of Interactive Brokers API. It is NOT a wrapper for a Java or C++ API, but rather uses socket API directly. So it does not have any dependencies other than TWS/Gateway itself.

Why Ruby? Many people are put off by the amount of boilerplate code/plumbing required by Java, ActiveX or C++ API to do even the simplest of things, like getting account data and placing/monitoring orders. This library intends to keep all the fluff away and let you focus on writing your business logics, rather than useless boilerplate.

No more endless definitions of obligatory methods you’d never need, no spaghetti code to divide your execution flow between multiple callbacks and interfaces.

Instead, a very simple paradigm is offered: your code interacts with the server (TWS or Gateway) via exchange of messages. You subscribe to the server messages that you’re interested in, and send messages to server that request specific data from it. You wait for specific messages being received, or other conditions you define. The execution flow is under your control, rather than delegated somewhere.

Using this clear paradigm, you can hack together a simple automation of your daily TWS-related routine in just a couple of minutes. Alternatively, you can create a mechanical trading system with complex order processing logics, that contains 1/10th of code and is 500% more maintaineable than it is possible with other API implementations. The choice is yours.

IB-Ruby is actively maintained since 2008